Oct 06 2019

Ludum Dare 45: Mad Mans Vengeance

Theme: Start With Nothing

Finally a console game with screen shake!

My second text-based c++ game, this time however not in actual console but in a fake window using SDL (porting a console program to mac/linux was too much effort).

Even though the game was submitted in time, I did not get any rating. In order to get rating you need to recieve 20 votes, and safest way to get those is to rate 20 games. Unfortunately - in order to do so in an honest fashion a lot of time is required, and I could not get any more time after these full two days.

Therefore this will be my last Ludum Dare entry. Getting a result, being in the competition, is the very reason I’m doing this! Seems I will have to try and find another game jam I can attend instead. I feel sad about this, but I have been getting the feeling for quite some time that Ludum Dare has grown more than is actually good for it.

Link to source code:

Link to ludum dare entry (because why not):

May 16 2018

Ludum Dare 41: Dememtory

Theme: Combine 2 Incompatible Genres

Download the game (Windows only)

Source code (github)

View the Ludum Dare page

Using my partially completed text engine I’ve been working on in C++ I managed to get a top ten score in the category mood!!

Dec 15 2015

Ludum Dare 34: Disassemble

Theme: Two Buttons and/or Grow

Bullet hell with two buttons!

View the Ludum Dare page Play the game (webGL)

With two 5 months old twin girls my time was stricly limited, and I had decided to skip this Ludum Dare. That was until I found out about the theme(s). I loved them both! And I had an idea that would be quick to implement… or so I thought.

The result would be my most successful Ludum Dare entry yet…

Apr 21 2015

Ludum Dare 32: Caffeine Rush

Theme: Unconventional Weapon

Everyone loves cubes, right?

I am a developer who prefers two dimensions. Two dimensions means safety for me.

But sometimes we need a challenge, and I decided beforehand that I would try to make something in 3d this time. I have to say that I’m quite pleased, even though I ended up locking the movement to two axis anyway (so I guess you could call it 2.5 dimension), but I’m quite pleased with how you can play with depth to create a visually interesting maze like in the screenshot above.

Oct 16 2014

Ludum Dare 30: Trapped Between Worlds

Theme: Connected Worlds

Showdown: tiny red ninja vs. huge moose boss!

The game (flash): The timelapse: Ludum Dare page: Post about our meetup: Steves’ soundtrack:

This time I had decided beforehand that I wanted to do something more ambitious, and I decided to make a 2D platformer game with its main focus on boss fights! That’s a lot of ambition, something I got painfully aware of… I did however manage to finish it on time for the jam.

Except having an ambitious idea, I also hosted a Real World Gathering at my office at Isotop.

Read on if you want to know more about the event and the process behind the game…

Aug 24 2013

Ludum Dare 27: Shelter

Theme: Ten Seconds

I knew beforehand that I wanted to make a game that I could port to mobile devices and tablets, but the theme got me off guard a bit. The take became that you have to save cute pink blobs from a bomb with a 10 second fuse.

Jan 02 2013

Ludum Dare 25: Evil Kitten-kidnapping Pirates IN SPACE

Theme: “You are the Villain”

Title screen for the game **Evil Kitten-kidnapping pirates in space**

Ludum Dare entry View Timelapse on Youtube

This time I was aiming for a space shooter game, with a very special control scheme that I’ve been having in the back of my head for several years. Unfortunately I’m not very pleased with how my entry turned out in the end. Read on to get more details…

Sep 02 2011

Ludum Dare 21: Abandoned

Theme: Escape

Ludum Dare entry

When making my entry I wanted to make my game as creepy as possible. Since the theme was ‘Escape’ I was going for a world you probably don’t want to stay in :) As art/design isn’t really my strongest side I went with the sketchy look. Its a style I call “Fulsnyggt”, when it looks so ugly that it actually looks good.

May 05 2011

Ludum Dare 20: My first go with XNA

Theme: “It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this!”

This was the first time I participate in Ludum Dare, and I had decided to use XNA, a framework I had never used before (but Ludum Dare is a fine motivator to learn something new).

The bad news is that I failed. Pretty bad! This is what happened…