Jan 10 2020


Today, by chance, I stumbled upon the free tileset section on (, and I instantly fell in love with so many of them! I’m usually not a big fan of using random peoples stuff, but I think this made me change my mind!

I downloaded a few and started playing around with one of them, making ireggular semi-topdown floor tiles. I could easily integrate them since this is not a console at all, but a regular window I draw bitmap fonts into. Easy peasy!

But the very reason I started with this in ascii was to NOT having to bother with graphics… so even though it looks realy nice, it will have to wait for another project.

Dec 28 2019

AsciiBrain 1

Bought myself a new hobby gamedev laptop. It’s really small, and really neat. And kind of weak… So I needed a project that it could handle.

After trying haxe it was clear that compiling haxeflixel was painfully slow. If I did it directly in c++ instead it worked like a charm.

So c++ project it is! Using SDL and the base from my Ludum Dare code base. Got a dude moving and placing blocks. Good first progress =)