May 03 2016

TLDR - Part 1

So, I’m currently on parental leave for 6 months. I hadn’t planned on doing any programming. I thought taking care of two twin girls 10 months old would take 100% of my energy, but I figured I get an hour here and there every now and then that I could devote to some programming.

I need a project!

TLDR stands for Tommys Ludum Dare Resources… or something. Not quite sure yet.

It’s going to be a 2d game engine built in haxe, on top of openFL and my previously built entity framework Seagal. A small engine, that I can leverage on when doing game jams such as Ludum Dare. And I’ll be starting from scratch.

Here is a list of some things I figure would be nice to have in the engine. I might add or remove stuff as time passes.

  • I don’t want it to be tile based. I want everything to be freely placed and rotatable.
  • For that I need to write some fancy collision system. Both broad and narrow phase.
  • Need to work a lot on making this debuggable. A lot of places where stuff can go wrong.
  • In-game level editor will be needed.
  • Game objects and animations.

Wow, that’s a lot. I think I’ll stop there for now. We’ll see how this turns out. Today I’ll start on setting the project up.