Pew pew pew, part 6
Started on a strategy for spawning enemies today. I don’t want you to die becaues they appear from behind our out of your vision, so focus is ahead! Trying to find a good min/max distance forward and curving outward. Wanted to keep it wider to the sides and narrow it down a bit in height to allow for an easier feel when looking around you.
First try:

Second try is to distribute the enemies more evenly. Try to find large patches of empty spots and avoid where it is already cramped.

This turned out quite well. I can tell you that it feels a bit intimidating watching all those Trump heads stare at you in VR X-D
I also made a new enemy type:

And here is a very short video of todays progress. Let me tell you that without too much time put into this one, it is already FUN AS HECK!